Jeff & Allycia's ROM Celebration
8 years ago
it's been 2 years didn't blog, and now finally start all over again. hmmm, i should cut the crap and start my story now =) 2 months ago, i went to hospital to check my teeth. For no doubt, i have healthy teeth xD
yeeeee... here is it! It's not because of i have a decayed tooth or what, just want to get rid of the problem that already make me frus for year >_< i had decided to remove both of my lower wisdom teeth! so i went to see the doctor and get the appointment for my surgery. yeah, it's surgery. Because the wisdom teeth are connected with many nerves, so it cant go through normal dental care if one is wish to remove both in the same time. why i got the guts to do this? sis done it before, and it seems like safe! except for the pain >_< this is my x-ray, been waiting for hours just because of this thing /.\ do you see the lower wisdom teeth that grow abnormal? it has caused my other teeth to be push to front, if and only if you know what i mean T^T ... here's the another clearer version, haha those teeth had caused my gum swollen. No place for you to stay still wanna come out, ishhh degil =.= but the swollen only last for months, after that, i can eat like usual. but those teeth really irritating, so i ended up to visit dentist for the surgery. after visit for few times and made lotsa calls to hospital, finally this was the date! nothing special with this date, just because i'm having my holidays now and no surgery will be done on weekends, so i picked up this date. went to do the body checkup 2 days before the surgery, the hospital was crowded! They told me my body's condition is just nice for the surgery, and i don't think i should happy for that T_T had a counseling session with the anesthetist, she told me the process of anesthesia, I bet you wouldn't want to know about it... no food and drinks are allowed after 12! so off to bed early and wake up early in the next morning for the admission. supposed it was start at 9, a girl reached before me so i have to wait for my turn. the nurse laughed at me just because i don't know how to wear this =.= It's was 11.30, the clock was ticking and the girl haven't come out, started to feel hungry and cold as i didn't have any foods and drinks since yesterday night. Finally, the doctor called me! stepped in the operation room, all the machine and medical personnel started to make me nervous... lie down on the operating table, they started to stick something on my chest, i dont know what was that. The male doctor keep on said sorry, LOL at first, i thought there will be a spotlight shine on my eyes, but... no ~ they haven't turn it on xD The air-cond can nearly make me freeze, serious! Shaking, trembling and shivering, my body gave out all these signals! Nervous and cold, that was all playing in my mind ~ they put the blankets layer upon layer on me and warm air into the blankets, it helped nothing though. the anesthetist started to put the anesthetics into my blood vein, hmmmmm...just a lil bit pain, not much. they kept on asking me to open my eyes, i have no idea why they insist on that... ... ''Hey, Shiau Fen, can you hear me? The operation is done, can you hear me? Nod your head if you hear me.'' It was all blur at that time, i tried to respond and i can hear them but not so clear, but my body was not of my control. i tried to lift up my head, but it ended up my head swayed left and right. Guess maybe i was so weak that i couldn't wake. Probably they had called me several times, lastly i can nod. The most scary part had came, they pulled out the respiratory pipes from my nose! The anesthetist told me before, they will only pull out the respiratory pipes if and only if i'm sober up and able to breathe. Or else I might be die!That means i'm awake and will feel the pain when they pull out! ouchhhh... i can see the blood stains around my nose T_T my head was totally dizzy and drowsy at that time, it was suffered!! i can open up my eyes slowly, the clock on the wall already showed 1.15 ... i tried to speak, but i can't! some more a big gauze was in my mouth (>_<) my throat was very dry and pain!! Can you imagine people without water for 15 hours? Rest at Daycare room and my mum bought me a cold Milo, it moisture my throat =) but sigh~ i cant take any foods as my mouth is pain and swollen and i can barely open it as big as the size of a straw... the corner of my mouth also got blood some more, it was still bleeding ~ the effect of anesthetics last for hours even when i went back home, you know what? I cant make a straight path when i walk! My mum even said i was like a drunk girl, LOL ~ mum cooked some soft food for me, and that was the 1st meal i took after 24 hours == but i have no appetite at all Till now, it still swollen at one side and i can feel the threads in my mouth >_< but luckily, it's better ~ nah, give you all see a disgusting picture xD haha, my teeth! it was pinkish when the doctor passed it to me, but now it turns yellowish. DO you noticed the white stuff around it? guess what? haha ~ my meat!!